Update on Storm Arwen

Last month’s Storm Arwen caused significant damage to trees and woodlands across the UK, particularly in Scotland and North England. The sector is currently assessing the wider impact and are beginning to make plans to restore the areas affected by the storm.

Image credit: Scottish Forestry

The Forestry Commission have stressed the importance of seeking professionals who are trained to deal with windblown trees and other related work.

FISA has published a blog on working with dangerous trees. We encourage members to read this here.

Using satellite data, Forest Research has developed a new Storm Arwen Mapping tool that will allow woodland managers to get an initial understanding of the damage without visiting potentially dangerous sites. The tool is also available as a mobile application that can be used offline in the field.

In England, the Forestry Commission are gathering information on the damage and are asking the following questions:

  • what is the six figure Ordnance Survey grid reference and postcode for the location of your woodland?
  • what is the total estimated area and volume of windthrow across the holding (if there is more than one woodland on the holding, please submit the sum area and sum volume damaged)?
  • what main tree species are present in the damaged woodland?
  • do you have a current felling licence for the affected woodland?
  • do you plan to harvest or remove the windblown trees?
  • do you have any plans to restock the site?
  • do you a windblow recovery plan for the sites affected?


This information can be sent to storm.arwen@forestrycommission.gov.uk before 23 January 2023.

Find out more about the situation in England on this e-alert.

In addition, the Forestry Commission in Yorkshire and the North East have put together this helpful special bulletin and are keen for it to be shared widely – please download it here.

In Scotland, Confor is looking to develop a more accurate assessment of the volumes and species involved in the windblow. They have set up a questionnaire for woodland managers with GIS or general stocking information on the affected properties to share information. Please respond here.

Find out more about the situation in Scotland.

Felling License Changes

Scottish Forestry and the Forestry Commission have introduced new measures around felling license applications to simplify the process where urgent action is needed.

England Scotland

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