Professor O’Hara A Worthy Winner of the 2016 Silvicultural Prize

Kevin L. O'Hara. Professor of Silviculture. Environmental Science, Policy & Management

The Institute of Chartered Foresters is delighted to have awarded Kevin O’Hara, Professor of Silviculture at the University of California, Berkeley, the 2016 Percy Stubbs, John Bolton King and Edward Garfitt Prize for Silviculture (Silvicultural Prize) – for advancing our knowledge of silviculture. Professor O’Hara has received this prestigious award in recognition of his paper […]

Mitchell Awarded 2013 Silvicultural Prize

Mitchell Dr Stephen

Mitchell Awarded Prestigious Silviculture Prize Dr Stephen J Mitchell PhD RPF, Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia, has been awarded the 2013 Percy Stubbs, John Bolton King and Edward Garfitt Prize for Silviculture (The Silvicultural Prize).

ICF Silvicultural Prize Honours Canadian Research


ICF Silvicultural Prize Honours Canadian Research ICF’s prestigious prize for silviculture has been announced, with this year’s award honouring Canadian research. Arun Bose, Brian Harvey, Suzanne Brais, Marilou Beaudet and Alain Leduc have been jointly awarded the 2014 Percy Stubbs, John Bolton King and Edward Garfitt Prize for Silviculture (The Silvicultural Prize). The award was given […]