Matthew Searle MICFor

I have been a Chartered Arboriculturist (MICFor) since 2011 and a Chartered Town Planner since 2013. I have held the Cardiff University Law School Bond Solon Expert Witness Certificate (Civil and Criminal) since May 2016. I have worked as a Principal Arboricultural Consultant with Treework Environmental Practice since August 2014. My main responsibilities are navigating clients […]

Jim Unwin MICFor

Jim Unwin brings thirty-three years of experience as an arboricultural consultant to provide a broad spectrum of consultancy services to clients seeking help on woodland management and arboricultural matters, including tree health and safety, and development sites including planning appeals and disputes. He also acts as an expert witness and has twenty years of quarry […]

Andrew Smith MICFor

Tree Health Consulting Ltd is an independent arboricultural consultancy that deals with all tree related management issues. Services include BS5837 surveys, safety audits of tree stock, planning negotiation, planning and TPO appeals, accident investigation, veteran tree management. As an accredited expert witness under the Cardiff University Bond Solon Scheme, we can offer joint single expert […]

Kenyon Sheppard MICFor

Areas covered: arboriculture and urban tree management; woodland management where the production of timber is a secondary consideration; expert witness testimony for planning inquiries, appeals and litigation; tree surveys; inspections and assessments for inventory; health; safety hazard evaluation; development and planning purposes; advice and supporting documentation for planning applications, inquiries and appeals; advice on statute […]

Keith Sacre MICFor

A consultancy focusing on young trees. Their production, selection, despatch and transplanting into the environment. Includes, stock selection, site evaluation, species selection, transplanting and subsequent maintenance. The preparation of specifications and subsequent management of all of the above.

Justin Mumford FICFor

Lockhart Garratt is a highly professional consultancy covering the full spectrum of tree, woodland, and forestry issues from development design, health and safety, and amenity through to ecological landscaping, community woodland planting, commercial forestry, and natural resource management. A complete independent service free of any ties with contractors or nurseries. Justin Mumford FICFor specialises in […]

Tim Moya MICFor

Tim Moya Associates provides arboricultural consultancy services to private clients and public sector bodies. Our services include tree surveys, planning reports, health and safety assessments, expert witness provision and support for local authorities. The company has a high level of technical and professional ability and can advise on TPOs and subsidence damage issues as well […]

Guy Morrison MICFor

Guy Morrison has over 20 years’ experience in the industry. He is focused on providing robust and expert tree advice, and practical solutions to the constraints trees may pose. He is a professional member of the Arboricultural Association, ICF Registered Consultant, approved LANTRA Professional Tree Inspector, Chartered Forester and QTRA user. He is a qualified […]

Philippe Morgan FICFor

Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) manage forests in Wales and provide advice on arboriculture, PAWS restoration and the environment. SFM’s client base includes large commercial forests, NGOs, community groups, public sector and the smaller privately owned woodlands. SFM trade consultancy services through SelectFor on continuous cover forestry throughout the UK and internationally. SelectFor administers and maintains […]

Andrew Moffat MICFor

An independent consultancy service in SE England, specialising in sustainable solutions and research services, especially in relation to the forestry, urban forestry, land regeneration and arboricultural sectors. We offer feasibility studies, proof of concept and product testing services, environmental and site assessment, and information management. Specific services include: Guidance on climate change adaptation Land regeneration […]