Patrick Stileman MICFor
Arboricultural consultancy including: tree surveys on development sites, assistance with site layout in relation to trees and all aspects relating to trees in the planning system; planning appeals in relation to trees including written representation, informal hearing, public local inquiry; tree risk assessment including large-scale tree surveys and detailed tree inspection (specialist equipment, digital microProbe […]
Andrew Smith MICFor
Tree Health Consulting Ltd is an independent arboricultural consultancy that deals with all tree related management issues. Services include BS5837 surveys, safety audits of tree stock, planning negotiation, planning and TPO appeals, accident investigation, veteran tree management. As an accredited expert witness under the Cardiff University Bond Solon Scheme, we can offer joint single expert […]
Kenyon Sheppard MICFor
Areas covered: arboriculture and urban tree management; woodland management where the production of timber is a secondary consideration; expert witness testimony for planning inquiries, appeals and litigation; tree surveys; inspections and assessments for inventory; health; safety hazard evaluation; development and planning purposes; advice and supporting documentation for planning applications, inquiries and appeals; advice on statute […]
Keith Sacre MICFor
A consultancy focusing on young trees. Their production, selection, despatch and transplanting into the environment. Includes, stock selection, site evaluation, species selection, transplanting and subsequent maintenance. The preparation of specifications and subsequent management of all of the above.
Richard Ravencroft MICFor
Our Consultancy practice consists of two Arboricultural Consultants and one Technician. We specialise in tree and development related surveys, tree hazard inspections surveys and reports, air spade root investigations. Our client portfolio covers a large proportion of the UK and therefore distance is no problem. We also operate two teams of climbing arborist for specialised […]
Andrew Poynter MICFor
As a leading environmental and ecological planning and forestry consultancy, Lockhart Garratt has a unique combination of experience in arboriculture, ecology, forestry, woodland management, landscape planning, and mineral & waste restoration. An innovative approach has resulted in a diverse client base including estate owners, local councils, golf courses, schools, universities, planning teams, developers, architects, and […]
Dominic Poston MICFor
Hallwood Associates are a multidisciplinary consultancy with experience in landscape, ecology and trees. Specialising in urban arboriculture, we pride ourselves on being particularly adept at developing innovative solutions in facilitating development and the juxtaposition of trees. Please visit our website or contact us for more information.
Stuart Pearson MICFor
Tilhill Forestry is the UK’s leading forestry and timber harvesting company, We offer a broad range of market leading professional consultancy and contracting services to woodland and forestry owners. Our skill sets range from management of existing woods and forests, new woodland and forest creation through to more diverse projects such as communication masts, renewable […]
Justin Mumford FICFor
Lockhart Garratt is a highly professional consultancy covering the full spectrum of tree, woodland, and forestry issues from development design, health and safety, and amenity through to ecological landscaping, community woodland planting, commercial forestry, and natural resource management. A complete independent service free of any ties with contractors or nurseries. Justin Mumford FICFor specialises in […]
Tim Moya MICFor
Tim Moya Associates provides arboricultural consultancy services to private clients and public sector bodies. Our services include tree surveys, planning reports, health and safety assessments, expert witness provision and support for local authorities. The company has a high level of technical and professional ability and can advise on TPOs and subsidence damage issues as well […]