National Tree Safety Group Launches New Website

The National Tree Safety Group (NTSG) has launched a brand new website to promote its important work.The website contains information about the group, its membership and aims, as well as free publications and guidance.

The NTSG is composed of a number of organisations with an interest in tree risk management, which includes the Institute of Chartered Foresters. The group came together in August 2007 to discuss the need for a nationally recognised approach to tree safety, leading to a number of publications, including the principal guidance Common Sense Management of Trees.

Speaking of the new website, Chair of the NTSG, Clive Tucker, commented that “we are pleased with the new site and hope that it allows members of the public and others interested in issues around tree safety to find out more about what we do, and importantly it allows free and easy access to our core publication, Common Sense Risk Management of Trees, our defendable guidance that is proportionate to the risk posed by trees.”

Questions or enquiries can be directed to the NTSG through the contacts page at

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