Institute of Chartered Foresters Opens Chartered Environmentalist Registration to Associate members

The Institute of Chartered Foresters is aiming to boost the environmental professional community through the introduction of a brand-new route to Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) status.

Associate members of the Institute can now pursue Chartered Environmentalist registration without first having to achieve Chartered Arboriculturist or Chartered Forester status. This represents a significant change for the Institute, as previously only Professional Members and Fellows were eligible to apply for CEnv registration.

CEnv accreditation allows environmental professionals to demonstrate the highest standards in their field. It is recognised globally as a mark of achievement that can enhance career prospects through establishing proven expertise and experience, cementing an individual’s commitment to safeguarding the planet for future generations.

Dr Emma Wilcox CEnv, Chief Executive of the Society for the Environment, commented:

“The opportunity for more professionals from the world of forestry to be able to showcase their environmental credentials is hugely important. This adds another vital piece to the puzzle in our aim for a more sustainable world, with externally verified environmental professionals spearheading the change. I look forward to welcoming, and working with, more forestry professionals in the years to come.”

The Institute of Chartered Foresters has more than 2,000 members working in every aspect of forestry, arboriculture and woodland management in the UK. The diversity of the membership is one of the great strengths of the Institute. However, many professionals involved in the professional management of our trees, woodlands and forests may not consider themselves a forester or an arboriculturist. Nevertheless, these individuals design, plant and manage multi-purpose forests and woodlands.

Louise Simpson, Executive Director of the Institute of Chartered Foresters, said:

“We’re delighted to open up the route to CEnv registration to our Associate members. The Institute of Chartered Foresters offers a multitude of ongoing professional development opportunities for those managing trees, woodlands and forests. We’re excited to help bolster this global community of multi-disciplinary environmental professionals and to help them lead the way to a more sustainable future for all.”

Focus on environmental issues is set to grow exponentially in light of the ongoing climate and nature crises. Tree professionals with CEnv registration can contribute significantly to tackling these challenges in positive, sustainable ways. The impacts of a growing, professional and global environmental workforce are huge.

The Institute of Chartered Foresters is one of 25 Licensed Bodies that is able to award the title Chartered Environmentalist. To discover more information about joining the Institute of Chartered Foresters as an Associate member and the route to Chartered Environmentalist status, visit

We’d be delighted to answer any further questions you may have – email for information, or phone 0131 240 1425.

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