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FCS Briefing Note 9: Forestry Transitional Arrangements

Update on Forestry Transitional Arrangements

Forestry Commission Scotland have released a Briefing Note (9), which outlines transitional arrangements for forestry in view of the reopening of Rural Priorities in 2014.

Late in December 2013, the EU implemented changes to the RDR Transitional Arrangements, which means that new applications will continue to be accepted by FCS this year.

SRDP forestry options still being accepted, include:

  • Woodland Creation Options (excluding natural regeneration. Farmland Premium requires to be restricted to a 12 year payment period where previously this had been 15 years to meet new SRDP conditions)
  • Woodland Improvement Grant – Long term forest planning
  • Woodland Improvement Grant – Restructuring Regeneration (NOTE: The annual grant of SMF-Restructuring Felling is not re-opening as per Briefing Note 8, September 2013)
  • Woodland Improvement Grant – Woodland Habitats and Species – only in relation to designated sites
  • Woodland Improvement Grant – Non-woodland habitats – only in relation to designated sites

Read the full briefing note – FCS Briefing Note 9 >>

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