Archnetwork Nature Exchanges to Norway and Finland

Arch Network Nature Exchanges to Norway and Finland

Arch Network are now taking applications for the first Nature Exchange programmes for 2014, which will take place in Norway and Finland. They have six places available for both of these fully funded study visits.

Nature Exchange is funded by the Leonardo da Vinci project and the costs of travel, accommodation and subsistence are covered by the grant. Further visits to Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Latvia and Cyprus will shortly be announced.

While details of the 2014 trips are being finalised, below you can view participants reports and the programmes from Finland and Norway 2013, which give overview of the exchanges. The programmes are intended to be flexible and change to address participants fields of interest wherever possible.


Finland 2013 Report >>

Finland 2013 Programme >>

Norway 2013 Report>>

Norway 2013 Programme >>


Download a Nature Exchange application form and return your completed to Libby at the Arch Network.

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