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New Council Members for ICF

Jonathan Baker

New Council Members for ICF

The Insitute of Charterd Foresters’ AGM took place on Wednesday 2nd April, in Birmingham, and saw 5 new Councillors elected.

New faces on the ICF Council include Institute Fellows Jonathan Baker, Huw Davies and Sharon Hosegood, and Professional Members Michael Carroll, and Tracy Clarke.

The Council is made up of 14 members and acts as a governing body for the Insitute, headed by the President and Vice President. Existing ICF President Prof Julian Evans OBE FICFor, and Vice-President David Henderson-Howat FICFor were reelected at AGM without competition. 

Read our new Councillors’ profiles below, or visit Our Team page for a full list of Council members for 2014.


Jonathan BakerJonathan Baker FICFor CEnv M.Arbor.A MIfL

Jonathan has worked in forestry education for over 20 years, having been Head of Forestry Arboriculture and Horticulture at Sparsholt College in Hampshire since 1992. He has also acted as IQER and REO Reviewer for the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. The Institute will greatly benefit from Jonathon’s experience and knowledge Forestry and Arboriculture education, as he hopes to inform the continuance of professional standards for entry.

Huw DaviesHuw Davies FICFor BSc

Huw Davies is Principal Adviser on Biodiversity, at Natural England. He has previously spent 21 years at the Forestry Commission, and following held a role at the Countryside Agency, being involved in general management of nature conservation, landscape and geodiversity work. Huw has been active with ICF regional Groups and have served one previous term on Council. He brings to the Institute a good understanding of policy development work and communications, including campaigning and media relations.

Sharon HosegoodSharon Hosegood FICFor F.Arbor.A BSc(Hons) Tech Cert Arbor A

Sharon is chartered arboriculturist with experience in local government and contracting. She worked as a tree and landscape officer for 11 years. In 2007, she assumed the role of Managing Director at DF Clark Bionomique, following two years of private practice, developing the arboricultural and ecological consultancy side of the business. Her specialisms are trees in relation to construction, tree hazard management, landscape impact assessments and tree radar. Sharon is a member of the East of England Regional Group, a Fellow of the Arboricultural Association and an Expert Witness. She bring’s to the institute a passion for promoting careers in arboriculture and forestry, and improving the well-being of our society through improved environments.

Michael CarrollDr Michael Carroll MICFor PhD BSc(Hons)

Michael Carroll is lectures in forestry and ecosystem services at the University of Cambridge and is a tutor at the Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education, providing a course on renewable energy. He is a supervisor on the Cambridge Programme for Sustainable Leadership, exploring the role of sustainable forestry projects in developing partnership and leadership. He also runs a consultancy on environmental economics, and sustainability planning. Michael is interested in promoting understanding of the lead that forestry gives in the public discourse on sustainability as well as education and training in the forestry profession.

Tracy ClarkeTracey Clarke MICFor PgDipArb F.Arbor

Tracey Clarke has worked in the arboricultural industry for eighteen years; initially working for local government managing urban trees, and providing arboricultural advice in relation to the Town and Country Planning Act. For the past ten years she has worked as a consultant and Director for Tim Moya Associates, developing the business, working successfully to improve the understanding of the value of the arboriculturist within wider professional circles and to promote the professionalism of the industry.

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