Land Stewardship Technical Support Officer

About the Company

Job Information

  • Region

    South Central Wales, South East Wales, South West Wales, South-Mid Wales

  • Location


  • Salary

    £28,403 - £32,088 (Grade 4)

  • Date Posted


  • Closing Date

    Closing Soon 18/06/2023

Job description

Job description

Do you want to play a direct part in tackling the climate and nature emergencies and ensuring that the natural resources of Wales are managed sustainably? This is an exciting opportunity to be part of the small, dynamic team that is creating new public woodlands in Wales.

You will be part of identifying, planning and planting new woodlands, with a key role in ensuring that new woodlands establish effectively. This will involve using your knowledge and skills to make decisions on species choice and establishment techniques to develop healthy and resilient woodlands. You will be directly responsible for managing contracts and caring for sites.

These new woodlands will become part of the Natural Resources Wales (NRW) managed Estate, there for the people of Wales to enjoy in perpetuity.

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