Defra Announce Government’s Response to Independent Panel on Forestry Report

Environment Secretary Owen Paterson today announced a new public body will be established to protect forests for future generations:

Defra Announce Government’s Response to Independent Panel on Forestry’s Report

This new, independent public body will hold in trust the nation’s publicly-owned forests and, alongside the continuing work of the Forestry Commission, this new body will own, maintain and safeguard our forests on behalf of the public.

The announcement formed part of the Government’s response to the Independent Panel on Forestry’s report on the future of trees and woodland.

The Government also confirmed its support for the Panel’s vision and has accepted many of its recommendations in full. The policy sets out an ambition to expand wooded areas, increase the amount of woodland being well managed, maintain and improve access to our public woodland and improve the economic performance of the forestry sector.

Read the Defra release

The full response can be found at


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