Your Chance to Input on Four New Apprenticeships

The Arboriculture, Forestry, Horticulture and Landscape Apprenticeship Group has gained approval from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education to develop four new apprenticeships. Once complete, these will be supported by the Government’s apprenticeship scheme and will be available for training providers to offer across England.

Employers, with the support of training professionals, have been working hard to write the content of these new apprenticeships and now need a wider perspective. To make sure that they meet the needs of the widest cross-section of organisations, they need the industry’s help.

If you are an employer, training provider, assessment organisation or potential apprentice, we encourage you to complete this survey before 15th October 2020. It only takes 10 minutes and it gives you the chance to influence the content of these future apprenticeships.

There are four surveys, each with relevant standards – please complete those that are relevant to your work.

Professional Arboriculturist – Level 6 (degree level)

This will include managing peri-urban and urban trees including writing and implementing proactive strategic plans to enhance the environment to benefit people, air quality, biodiversity, amenity and the built environment while mitigating risk to people, buildings and property from trees by coordinating proactive inspections and undertaking tree work operations within an appropriate time-scale.

Professional Arboriculturist Standard

Professional Arboriculturist Survey

Professional Forester – Level 6 (degree level)

This is a technical expert in planning, creation, management, harvesting and utilisation of woodlands and forests.

Professional Forester Standard

Professional Forester Survey

Arboriculturist – Level 4 (a step above an A-Level)

This occupation assesses tree health and risk, manages contractors, handles complaints, applies the law in relation to tree work and makes/assesses planning applications.

Arboriculturist Standard

Arboriculturist Survey

Horticulture Technical Manager – Level 5 (foundation degree level)

Developing and manages parks, gardens, greenspaces and grounds (e.g. business parks, schools, retail sites etc).

Horticulture Technical Manager Standard

Horticulture Technical Manager Survey

This is a unique opportunity for our industries to develop work-based training routes into higher technical roles that are recognised and funded by the Government. These apprenticeships will help businesses bring new talent into their workforce and develop existing staff into these roles, helping us make sure we have effective and technically trained managers to drive our sector forwards for years to come.

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