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New Welsh Natural Resources Body Becomes Operational

New Welsh Natural Resources Body Becomes Operational Mon 1 April 2013 Today Natural Resources Wales brings together the work of the Countryside Council for Wales, Environment Agency Wales and Forestry Commission Wales, as well as some functions of Welsh Government. Its purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained, enhanced […]

ICF Joins Call on Government to Prevent Forestry Commission Merger

ICF Joins Call on Government to Prevent Forestry Commission Merger In an open letter to Owen Paterson, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the ICF and other leading bodies concerned with the management of England’s woodlands have joined forces to call on the Government to keep Forestry Commission England as a distinct […]

ICF Member Takes on Big Role at Small Woods

Mike Bentley MICFor, CEO Small Woods

ICF Member Takes on Big Role at Small Woods Small Woods, the national woodland charity based in the West Midlands, has announced a new CEO who will take up the post in May. Mike Bentley, a Professional member of the Institute of Chartered Foresters, has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Small Woods Association. […]

Countdown for Green Economy – ICF National Conference Update

ICF on Final Countdown to Green Economy Conference New Speakers Confirmed  The final programme for the Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF) National Conference, Woodlands and the Green Economy – Capitalising on Ecosystems Services, has now been confirmed with some exciting additions to the line up of over 20 of the UK environmental sector’s top professionals. […]

Minister takes to stage at ICF Conference to launch “Strategic Directions”

Environment Minister launching key “Strategic Directions” forestry publication today at Institute of Chartered Foresters National Conference    Environment & Climate Change Minister, Paul Wheelhouse, is launching a new publication today giving a clear direction on how the National Forest Estate (land managed by Forestry Commission Scotland) will be managed to meet Scottish Government’s objectives. Giving […]

Institute of Chartered Foresters Welcomes New President

Professor Julian Evans FICFor

Institute of Chartered Foresters Welcomes New President The Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF) is pleased to announce that Professor Julian Evans OBE, BSc, PhD, DSc, FICFor, formerly its Vice President, has been elected President by members at their recent AGM and national conference in Glasgow. A Fellow of the Institute, Julian graduated with a degree […]

Tree Health and Plant Biosecurity Expert Taskforce Publish Final report

Tree Health and Plant Biosecurity Expert Taskforce Publish Final report In the last few years, several new or previously unrecognised pests and pathogens have emerged as significant risks to the UK’s plants, including trees in woodlands, commercial forests and in the urban environment. Given this background, Defra’s Chief Scientific Adviser established an independent, expert Taskforce […]

Futurologist Hails Chartered Foresters as Shining Example

ICF National Conference 2013 Mark Stevenson left Fenning Welstead right

Futurologist Hails Chartered Foresters as Shining Example                 (Image: Mark Stevenson with Outgoing ICF President Fenning Welstead)   When futurologist Mark Stevenson accepted an invitation to address the recent Institute of Chartered Foresters’ National Conference, little did he think that he would leave the event heralding the delegates […]