FSC Reverse Squirel Control Decision
FSC Reverse Squirrel Control Decision FSC International have reversed a decision not to extend a derogation on the the use of Warfarin for the control of grey squirrels in the UK.
Current Certification and Approval Status of Warfarin
Current Certification and Approval Status of Warfarin Dr Ian Willoughby FICFor, Programme Group Manager (Regeneration and substainable silviculture) at Forest Research, has produced an independent report on the current certification and approval status of warfarin. Updated 2/09/14 My understanding of the current situation regarding the status of warfarin for grey squirrel control in UK forests […]
England’s Grey Squirrel Policy Updated
Image courtesy of James Barker Following a request from the English Government, Forestry Commission England have reviewed and updated the grey squirrel policy. The new action plan will see the implementation of the following additional measures: Forestry options of Countryside Stewardship to have additional measure for grey squirrel control (not just in red squirrel areas but […]