Consultation Launched on Torymus Sinensis Use to Control Dryocosmus Kuriphilus

Dryocosmus kuriphilus is a harmful gall wasp of sweet chestnut trees and was discovered for the first time in the UK in June 2015 in Kent. Native to China, since spreading into Japan, the Republic of Korea, Nepal, USA, and many countries in Europe, as of March 2020, it has been detected in over 140 […]
Defra Launch UK’s First Plant Health Week

With 2020 being the UN’s International Year of Plant Health, Defra is hosting the UK’s first Plant Health Week from 21 – 27 September. Designed in collaboration with multiple organisations in the plant and forestry sectors, it aims to raise awareness of plant health threats and the actions people can take to keep our plants […]
Our Response to the England Tree Strategy Consultation

The England Tree Strategy is an immense opportunity, with high risk and reward On behalf of our members and the profession, we have responded to the consultation on the development of an England Tree Strategy. Along with the questionnaire, we wrote a covering statement setting out our position as an organisation. Read our Response Our […]
Forestry Sector Responds to the England Tree Strategy

The England Tree Strategy presents a huge opportunity to shape the future of England’s treescapes while combatting the climate and nature crises. With the consultation closing on Friday 11 September, we have been working with the Royal Forestry Society and Confor to produce a forestry sector response highlighting six priorities for the strategy going forward. […]
Call for Ideas: Plant Biosecurity Strategy

We are a member of the Plant Health Alliance, a cross-sector group with a purpose of promoting and enhancing plant health and biosecurity measures to protect plant species and associated ecosystems (natural capital) in the United Kingdom and beyond. With the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) looking to refresh their plant biosecurity […]
Forestry Sector Responds to ELM Scheme Proposals

The Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMs) will transform the way foresters, farmers and other land managers are supported. The Institute has led on a response to the Government’s ELMs consultation to produce a forestry sector response, partnering with Confor, the Royal Forestry Society and the Woodland Trust. The scheme is set to completely overhaul the […]
Consultation launched on the England Tree Strategy

Defra has launched a consultation on the new England Tree Strategy which calls on the views and knowledge of (in particular) foresters and land managers. This strategy has been a long time coming and it is a huge opportunity to shape the future of England’s treescapes. What can you do? Respond to our survey to […]
Accelerating Woodland Creation – Conference Report

The Accelerating Woodland Creation conference on March 25 highlighted what should be done for England to fulfil a meaningful share of the UK’s ambitious goal of 30,000 hectares of new woodland per year until 2025. The UK Climate Change Committee has suggested that net zero will only be possible if this level of planting can be sustained […]
ELM Scheme Consultation Open

On Wednesday 24 June 2020, Defra reopened the Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme consultation, after it was paused in early April due to the Coronavirus pandemic. This scheme will transform the way foresters, farmers and other land managers are supported, replacing the payments and grants set up under the Common Agricultural Policy. The way in […]
ICF Welcomes Government Control Plan for Chalara
Media Release ICF Welcomes Government Control Plan for Chalara Following today’s (6 December 2012) publication of the Defra interim control plan for Chalara fraxinea, or ash dieback, Shireen Chambers FICFor, Executive Director of the Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF), commented on the plan and the crucial role that the ICF and its members are […]