NCC Report: Woodlands to benefit economy by £550m

NCC 2nd report - cost benefit of planting

Second NCC Report: Woodlands to benefit economy by £550 million

The second Natural Capital Committee (NCC) report was launched on 11 March 2014, revealing impressive figures on the benefit of planting to the UK economy. The report revealead that an 250,000 ha planted over 50 yrs in the UK would produce a net gain to the economy of up to £550m.

The NCC is the independent advisory body set up to advise the Government on the sustainable use of England’s natural capital – this includes forests, rivers, atmosphere, land, wildlife, oceans and other natural assets.

An extract from the report as seen in Figure 4.2 below, showed that where planting locations were determined by considering the economic value of non-market goods, such as greenhouse gases and recreation, as well as market-priced goods such as costs of planting and subsidies, agricultural losses and timber production values, the value to the the economy could be up to £550m.

Maintaining natural capital such as woodlands can have mulitple benefits for the economy and human wellbeing – including moderating climate effects that cause flooding, UHI and transmission of airborne pollutants, cutting carbon in the atmosophere, and improving wildlife habitat. 


 NCC 2nd report - cost benefit of planting


Download NCC report >> (Woodland Case Study P49-53)

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