Sarah Kiss shares her experience of presenting at the National Tree Officers Conference in 2017

Sarah Kiss, Tree Officer

Sarah Kiss, Senior Tree Officer at Southampton City Council, tells us about her experience of presenting at the National Tree Officers Conference (NTOC) in 2017.

Sarah Kiss, Tree Officer
Sarah Kiss presenting at NTOC in 2017

Why did you decide to submit an abstract?

 I kind of got cornered in an NTOA conference call! I asked a question and someone said it would make a good presentation.

How did you plan your presentation?

Quickly! It’s a simple story with a beginning, middle and then a year on – so easy chronology to follow.

What did you learn from the experience?

It’s nerve-wracking just before speaking, but a supportive audience. It would be easier if we had a bit more time – I did all this in my own time as we simply don’t have time at work.

What positive impact did it have on you?

I think it’s great to share experience, and I learnt so much form other speakers it seems only fair to pitch in if we have something others might be interested in.

You can view all the NTOC’s presentations on the Resource section of the Institute’s website.

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