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Report published on alternative conifer tree species in Great Britain

Given the pressure for the diversification of species used in commercial conifer plantations due to pests and pathogens and climate-associated risks, Woodknowledge Wales and Bangor University have published a report that identifies the top five alternatives that are suitable to meet timber utilisation demands of the forestry sector in Great Britain.

The report was commissioned by the Welsh Government and explores a number of issues. It sets out the current pests and pathogens affecting conifers in both Great Britain and Europe, the effects of climate change on these species, home grown timber and its value and ranks the alternative conifer tree species based on their resilience to current and future pests and pathogens, their suitability for a changing climate and a range of site conditions across Great Britain, and their suitability for producing commercial timber products.

According to the research, the top five alternatives conifer species are:

  • Sequoia sempervirens – coast redwood
  • Cryptomeria japonica – Japanese cedar
  • Sequoiadendron giganteum – giant redwood
  • Thuja plicata – Western red cedar
  • Abies alba – European silver fir


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