On 24 October, our North England Member Network (NEMN) held their AGM and annual Professional Development Day at Fountains Abbey Visitor Centre in Ripon. Tom Coates MICFor, Chair of the NEMN, has shared a write-up of the event.
The morning session started with an introduction to Fountains Abbey by Bec Evans (Visitor Operations & Experience Manager, National Trust) followed by an overview of the National Trust’s approach to trees and forests by John Deakin MICFor (Head of Trees and Woodlands, National Trust) including their ambition to plant 20 million trees by 2030. This was followed by an overview and update on the biomass market from Neil Harrison (Director, Reheat) who has experience installing biomass boilers on large estates such as Fountains Abbey. Then a situation report on ash dieback in 2024 by Ian Turner (Head of Major Planting Projects and Ecology, The Tree Council). Ian shared some of the learned outcomes from elsewhere in the country where they are further ahead with addressing ash dieback and some useful guidance which has been developed by The Tree Council.
Sam Cooper (Partnerships and Expertise Manager, Forestry Commission) gave an update on the grants and regulations available in England. Amanda Newsome (Biodiversity Net Gain Advisor, Forestry Commission) highlighted the opportunities and challenges of BNG and the implications for trees and woodlands. To complete the morning session, Dr Andrew Leslie MICFor (Head of Silviculture and Wood Properties, Forest Research) introduced some of the work he is doing looking into mixed species stands and the benefits these could have on landscape value and productivity of forests.
Lunch and networking were followed by an afternoon session starting with the NEMN AGM. We highlighted the work that the NEMN do to organise and facilitate events such as the Professional Development Day and gave credit to the committee. No major changes to the committee or roles within it as agreed by the members. Huw Davies FICFor will step down from the committee and we will look for a replacement in due course.
Martin Glynn FICFor CEnv (Consultant) came after the AGM with an update on the Institute, highlighting the fact that next year will be the centenary year and events will be centred around this theme. Jon Garson (Policy Advisor, Confor) gave some really interesting insights into the changes in the political landscape since the General Election 2024 and how forestry needs to be more politically engaged.
The final session of the day was kicked off by Jonathan Cameron (Sales and Marketing Manager, Cheviot Trees) who gave a tree nurseries perspective on the opportunities and challenges that the industry faces. Andy Powell MICFor (Area Harvesting Manager, James Jones) gave a timber market update and highlighted how we are overly dependent on imported timber in the UK and the need for productive forestry. Finally, James England MICFor (South of Scotland Timber Transport Officer) gave his expert insights into the challenges of timber transport, particularly vexatious complaints from the public!
All in all, it was a very successful and informative day and a format that we will look to replicate in future.