Our monthly policy and research blog updates you on the latest work at the Institute and how you can get involved.
Institute news
With Summer drawing to an end, we’re looking ahead to a busy autumn events calendar, with a highlight being the anticipated Horizon Scan series. Read all about this partner webinar series below, along with an update on our policy activities, including consulting with DAERA as they look to review the curriculum around the land-based sector in Northern Ireland.
Royal Welsh Show
From 22-25 July, the team attended the Royal Welsh Show at Builth Wells. Key activities included:
- Louise Simpson, Executive Director, met with Huw Irranca-Davies MS, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs to discuss the skills crisis and attend the launch of Welsh Government’s career video series. Louise attended alongside Natural Resources Wales and the Royal Forestry Society
- Our Technical Policy Manager, Shona Smyth MICFor, attended a meeting with the Dylan Morgan Deputy Director/Head of Policy and Abi Reader, Vice President of NFU Cymru, to extend our support for the Sustainable Farming Scheme and to offer the development of partnered CPD
- Simon James MICFor, Chief Executive of Small Woods, delivered a session on Small Woodland on Farms and alternative products as part of the Confor seminar series. The session was well attended and focused on woodland management practices and the steps to implementation. Alternative products included non-timber forest products, craft materials and fungi and lichen products.
DAERA Knowledge Review and Curriculum Needs 2030
On 12 August, Technical Policy Manager, Shona Smyth MICFor and Senior Education & Outreach Officer, Dr Rob Hawkins met with the Policy Development Team at the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) to inform the review of the DAERA knowledge framework, and the Curriculum Needs 2030. The Knowledge Framework was introduced as departmental policy in 2017 and serves as a strategic driver for our involvement in education, training, and knowledge exchange. It outlines the vision, objectives, and interventions aimed at fostering sustainable practices, improving productivity, and bolstering environmental resilience within the agri-food sector. A copy of the Knowledge Framework can be found here.
This initial discussion was to inform on the key challenges and opportunities for the forestry and arboriculture sectors, identifying the key skills needed for those entering and those already working in these sectors, and what organisations are best placed to deliver the curriculum to meet these challenges and maximise opportunities in the next decade.
Horizon Scan event series
In 2023, Dr Eleanor Tew MICFor brought together a panel of experts from across the UK’s four countries to define and understand the many and interrelated threats and opportunities faced by our forests and the sector that manages them. A horizon scan of issues affecting UK forest management within 50 years, outlining the 15 top issues, was published in Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research last year and included thinking on subjects such as eDNA, soil microbes, natural capital and supply chains, as well as catastrophic forest ecosystem collapse.
The Forestry Commission and the Institute of Chartered Foresters are bringing together some of the original authors and other leading experts for a series of webinars to examine these issues and to create a space for thinking on how the sector can respond. Each Forestry Facing the Future webinar will spotlight some of the issues highlighted in the report, feature presentations and discussion from a panel of experts, and an open discussion.
Join our team
An exciting opportunity has come up at the Institute and we are recruiting for a new Technical Policy Manager to represent our members and drive our CPD and policy activities.
This is an excellent opportunity for someone looking to broaden their skills and develop a well-rounded career in the forestry and arboriculture sector. Candidates should be a Chartered member of the Institute or be working towards chartership.
Shona Smyth MICFor, the current post holder, said:
“Through my time at the Institute I have gained a wider insight into the forest and arboriculture sectors through valuable knowledge exchange within the membership, but also our government bodies, affiliate charities and sector partners. Being able to be a voice for the forest and arboriculture sector through policy and partnership work has been empowering and I have gained confidence and valuable skills in public speaking and written communication. Being able to share my experiences with early career professionals and shape and influence their professional development has been particularly rewarding.”
If you have any questions about this position, please contact the Institute’s Head of Policy & Partnerships, Jo Fox-Evans. Find out more and apply before the deadline of 15 September.
Consultations & political advocacy
Responding to public consultations is an important way to influence policy. We consult with members as much as possible and often work in partnership with other organisations to strengthen our messages. We also produce papers on specific topics where it is important to publish our position.
BS 5837 Draft for public consultation available
British Standard BS 5837 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction has been revised to reflect changes since 2012. A draft for public consultation has been published. To view the draft standard and make comments members should create an account.
BS 8545 Trees: from nursery to independence in the landscape was being developed when BS 5837 was last published in 2012. To reflect the comprehensive coverage of BS 8545 and to avoid duplication, tree planting design has been removed from BS 5837.
The Institute is considering submitting a response and are particularly interested in members views on subclause 6.3. Do you agree with an increased root protection area for mature category A trees and veteran trees? If you disagree, what alternatives should be recommended and why?
Please submit your views to Head of Policy & Partnerships, Jo Fox-Evans by Friday 27 September. Members are also encouraged to respond individually online.
We are also encouraging members to respond to the following consultations:
- Scottish Government: Post-school education and skills reform legislation: consultation. Scottish Government are consulting on proposals for legislation to change what public bodies do in the post-school system in order to simplify responsibilities for apprenticeships and student support. Please respond online before 20 September 2024
- Office for Environmental Protection (OEP): Have your say on how we carry out our role. The OEP want to hear your views on how they go about their work to hold Government and public authorities to account against environmental commitments. Please respond online before the 26 September 2024
- British Standards Institution: BS 5837 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Code of practice. BSI are looking for comments on this British Standard that gives recommendations and guidance on the relationship between trees and design, demolition and construction processes. Please submit comments online before 16 October 2024
- Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government: Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system. This consultation seeks views on the proposed approach to revising the National Planning Policy Framework to achieve sustainable growth in our planning system. Please respond online before 24 September.
Special Interest & Steering groups
In June, our Environmental Special Interest Group (SIG) held its first in-person event with two site visits hosted by Network Rail and the City of London Corporation. Gordon Pfetscher FICFor, SIG member and Head of Estate at the Woodland Trust, attended this event and has reported back on the day’s activities. Read the full story.

Sector news, guidance & reports
Global CEOs call for legally binding treaty to end plastic pollution
How UKFS updates will impact forestry grant applicants and stakeholders in Scotland
Scottish Forestry
Timber imports in the UK down 7% from 2023
Forestry Journal
International study explores tree bark and reducing emissions
The Guardian
Survey to understand and support public access to woodlands
Sylva Foundation
Update on the ongoing studies on Ips typographus
Forestry Commission
Progress after four years of Defra’s Nature for Climate Fund
Forestry Commission
Researchers examine the impact of removing deer carcasses on ecosystems in Scotland
British Ecological Society
Free guide published on mandatory biodiversity net gain in England
New government to review the Environmental Improvement Plan
Interim statistics on Woodland Carbon Code projects
Woodland Carbon Code
Sustainable Farming Incentive agreements announced for 2024
Forestry professionals are urged to report stem cracks
Forest Research
New document on effective nursery management practices for agroforestry
Online interactive forestry course brings learners together from Ireland, Belgium, France and Germany
User guide and calculation tools for measuring the biodiversity value of habitat for biodiversity net gain
Forestry and Land Scotland collect seeds from pine cones to protect native pinewoods from future threats
Forestry and Land Scotland
Latest Bunce Survey results published
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Research article on the social and cultural values of trees and woodlands in England
Forest Research
250 jobs at risk at Natural Resources Wales