Record Numbers Enjoy Exam Success at ICF
A record number of applicants have successfully completed the Professional Membership Entry (PME) examinations at the Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF). Of 46 candidates who submitted for PME in 2014, 33 were this week awarded chartered status – a new high since the introduction of a revised exam format in 2003.
The successful PME applicants have now reached the end of a two-year period of structured assessment that has tested their knowledge, understanding and professionalism required for professional membership of the Institute. During this period Applicants must be in full time employment in a management or supervisory role, before being asked to take part in a written and oral assessment.
Of those who were awarded the chartered status, three were given prizes for excellence, having presented an exceptional body of knowledge greatly exceeding the level required for submission. These were Neil McInnes, Forestry Commission Scotland, Sasha Laing, Forestry Commission Scotland, and Claire Wightman, CKD Galbraith. This is the second year running that both CKD Galbraith and Forestry Commission Scotland have been the source of Distinction candidates at ICF. These three members will be invited to an award ceremony at the forthcoming ICF National Conference dinner, which will take place on 22 April, in Cardiff.
Distinction winners (l-r) Neil McInnes, Claire Wightman and Sasha Laing
Alan Motion FICFor, Chair of ICF’s Examinations Board, congratulated the newly-chartered members on their success. He said:
“It is with great pleasure that I congratulate our new Professional Members of the Institute of Chartered Foresters. There is a growing recognition of professional standards in the industry and we are working with organisations of all sizes across the countries that will only employ staff who are chartered, or working towards chartered status. This is reflected in the increasing support that our younger members are receiving from their employers in the PME process, as it is in our record number of new professional members this year.”
In addition to the 33 successful PME applicants, five applicants have been accepted as Professional Members of the Institute during 2014, following successful completion of Assessed Professional Competence (APC). The APC route to chartered status is reserved for senior professionals in the industry, with a minimum of 15 years experience.
All new Professional Members of ICF will now be permitted to use the title Chartered Forester or Chartered Arboriculturist, and the letters MICFor after their names.