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New woodland creation schemes in Wales

Farmers, foresters and landowners in Wales have been involved in the development of two new Woodland Creation Grant schemes which are now open for applications. With £2 million available for the first application window this year, and a further £30 million for the following two years, the schemes will support the transition to the Sustainable Farming Scheme.

Woodland Creation Grant

This scheme offers funding for tree planting and fencing to farmers and land managers. There are also maintenance and premium payments to ensure the trees establish. A Woodland Creation Plan is required and once the Plan is verified by Natural Resources Wales an application for a Woodland Creation Grant can be made.  Further information on this grant scheme can be found here.

Small Grants – Woodland Creation Scheme

Designed for farmers and landowners who wish to plant less than 2 hectares of land in an agriculturally improved or in a low environmental value area, a Woodland Creation Plan is not required for this scheme. Full details of scheme rules and criteria can be found here.

The first application window will close 14 October 2022 and work must be completed and claimed by 31 March 2023. The scheme will then open for applications every 3 months.

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