James Hepburne Scott FICFor (Hon) has been elected President of the Royal Scottish Forestry Society


James Hepburne Scott FICFor (Hons)

Chartered Forester James Hepburne Scott FICFor (Hon), an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Foresters, has been elected President of the Royal Scottish Forestry Society (RSFS), following Sir Patrick Hunter-Blair’s two-year tenure of office.

James will be known to some through his work with Alba Trees nursery from 1992 to 2012. During this time he was Scotland chairman for the Forestry and Timber Association for four years prior to the formation of Confor  (Confederation of Forest Industries).

He is a director of Forest Carbon Ltd, chairman of the River Tweed Forum and an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Foresters.

Paying tribute to Pat Hunter-Blair, he said

“It is a great privilege to be inheriting this responsibility from Pat whose leadership has been outstanding. The health and prospects of the Society have improved greatly during his tenure and I thank him profoundly on behalf of our 700 members. “

Members come from all the areas of interest in Scotland’s trees, woods and forests. The Society holds 20 field meetings each year throughout its 5 regions plus a whole society gathering each May. Its journal, Scottish Forestry, published 3 times a year, is widely respected at home and overseas.


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