Message from the Executive Director – Shireen Chambers MBE FICFor

I’m writing to let you know that after 15 years in post as Executive Director of the Institute, I feel it’s time to move on. I will be leaving the Institute at the end of June 2022.

We are just about to embark on a new five-year strategy in a time of unprecedented political support for our sector and that, together with a fantastically skilled and committed Secretariat, with support and direction from a dedicated President, Vice President and Council, I feel I am leaving the Institute in very capable hands for the exciting times ahead. I have been really privileged to have the job that I’ve had and hope that a new Executive Director will look with fresh eyes at our work and lead us to new and exciting heights.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my role over the past 15 years and have very mixed feelings about leaving, in part because of the fantastic members that make the job so rewarding and challenging. Thank you for being a part of that.

But having worked with nine Presidents (and more forestry ministers than I can name), attended 51 Council meetings, (and hundreds of other committee meetings), developed four strategic plans, and seen our membership numbers double, I now feel its time to hand over the reins. I still have four months of work to do and hope that I get to meet as many members as possible at real events in the coming months. In the meantime, a sub-committee of Council is currently working on recruiting for my replacement so look out for information on this exciting opportunity.

With many thanks and best wishes,

Shireen Chambers MBE FICFor
Executive Director

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