Sorbus International is a sponsor of the 2018 National Tree Officers Conference (NTOC).
Trade conferences and exhibitions have always been a key part of the business year for Sorbus. Not only do we get the pleasure of meeting existing and new customers – and despite the revolutions in IT and social media there is still no substitute for a face to face chat – we also get to know what our fellow exhibitors are up to.
We are always looking to expand our range of products for arboriculture and forestry and, chance conversations at trade events have led us to add a range of specific tree care products over recent years. Not everything will be an instant success but we felt it necessary to invest and make these products available in the UK because we believe they will be beneficial for our trees.
Biosecurity has really become a key discussion point and a conversation with the Forestry Commission (FC) at an ICF conference a couple of years ago led to us putting a biosecurity kit together based on FC recommendations so that they could be made available to all working in the land-based sectors – foresters, arborists, surveyors, public and private landowners etc. Before these kits were available those wishing to do something positive about biosecurity put their own kits together with all good intention and used a variety of disinfectants – so no standardisation. At the moment the FC only recommend Cleankill and Propellar disinfectants so Sorbus has become one of the main UK distributors of these as well and provide advice on which one to use. For example, you can use Propellar to disinfect your boots but being solvent based it will degrade the boot components over time so better to use Cleankill which is water based. Propellar is better for tools etc.
Recently we have also added a BioSecurity Lite kit – a scaled down version suitable for those surveyors working in urban environments who have to carry the kits around with them most of the time.
We first became aware of the BITE tree infusion system when the inventor Professor Lucio Montecchio and Jonathan Cocking approached us about becoming the UK distributor for this novel system which enables beneficial compounds – specifically EnerBite – to be infused directly into the tree vascular system. BITE/EnerBite is in its early stages in the UK but its ease of use and effectiveness has attracted a number of users in the UK already as a viable addition to beneficial treatments for trees under stress or in decline. Watch this space!
We all know that trees need moisture to survive and thrive – particularly in the early stages of growth – so anything that helps maintain ground moisture and protect the tree whilst it grows seemed like a good idea when we were introduced to TreePans. These were developed in the USA several years ago and have been used with great success over there since then. Again this product is in its early stages in the UK and we believe that it will find a place here.
Follow NTOC @TheICF #treeofficerUK
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of Sorbus International and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Institute of Chartered Foresters.