Woodland Public Access Advisor

About the Company

Job Information

  • Location

    Any FC office

  • Salary

    £42,462 - £46,029

  • Date Posted


  • Closing Date

    Closing Soon 04/09/2022

Job description

Forest Services are the Government’s forestry experts. We work nationally and locally on unlocking the full potential of woodlands and the forestry sector to protect, improve, expand and connect England’s valuable woodland assets.

The Policy Advice Team (PAT) is part of Forest Services (FS). The team has responsibility for advising Government and other stakeholders on the expansion, protection, improvement and connection of woodlands in England. We work closely with Defra and other arms length bodies, including Natural England; as well as internally across various teams and through Forest Research and alongside Forestry England.

We are seeking a well-motivated individual with skills and experience related to the provision and management of public access and managing people in woodlands alongside wider forestry objectives; alongside excellent project management experience; proven communication ability and strong interpersonal skills to build and maintain relationships.

Job description

The Woodland Access Advisor will develop FS policy and guidance to support the delivery of the Government’s ambitions on woodland access. There will be close collaboration required with Defra, Natural England, Forestry England and eNGOs at a national level, and strong partnerships will need to be built with a variety and diverse range of external stakeholders.

Find out more and apply.

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