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Job Information

  • Region

    Central Scotland

  • Location

    Central Scotland

  • Salary

    £25,000 to £35,000 per annum

  • Date Posted


  • Closing Date

    Closing Soon 14/02/2023

Job description

The Green Action Trust is one of Scotland’s leading environmental charities. We have been regenerating Central Scotland by undertaking landscape scale projects; creating and improving greenspaces, planting and managing woodlands, greening vacant and derelict land, creating and maintaining paths and enhancing a range of habitats for over 40 years. We are specifically responsible for delivering the Central Scotland Green Network. We are passionate about the positive environmental and social change we can deliver in Scotland and are seeking candidates who have a similar passion to help us create this change.
The role involves woodland design, woodland management planning, cost estimating, management and delivery of projects and securing forestry grants. We are seeking applications from individuals with: • A track record of managing and overseeing woodland creation, woodland management and/or environmental projects. • Relevant academic qualifications. • Excellent communication skills, computer literacy and confident in using GIS. • A positive, solution orientated and flexible attitude to their work. • Good knowledge of the Forestry Grant Scheme in Scotland. • Professional membership of the Institute of Chartered Foresters or another relevant professional body is desirable.

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