IPF Final Report

IPF Final Report

Further Reaction & News Round-up

News of the Independent Panel on Forestry’s final report continues to spread through a variety of communities and interest groups. The report includes a contribution by panel member Shireen Chambers FICFor, ICF’s Executive Director, who said in the event of its release:

“We need to rethink how we value our woodlands, what they can deliver for society and how we manage them to best gain the enormous benefits they provide. The Institute will be working with government to help deliver some of the recommendations in our report.”

More Reaction…

Guardian publishes the foreword to the final report by head of the panel the Right Reverend James Jones, Bishop of Liverpool.

Reaction from the Our Forests campaign.

In depth summary from the world of mountain biking and cycling in bikeradar.com.

Sky News feature with video.

As reported in leading political webzine politics.co.uk.

News spreads through the farming community.

The Royal Forestry Society has issued a warm welcome to the report.

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