Independent Panel in Northumberland

kielder forest local residents

The Independent Panel on Forestry Visits Northumberland

Shireen Chambers MICFor – Executive Director, ICF

kielder forest local residents

Last week the Independent Panel on Forestry visited Northumberland which included a visit to Kielder Forest. The local residents made their feelings clear with banners such as the one above.

The Panel spent an evening listening to local residents and organisations in Hexham on the importance of forestry to the northeast of England. This was followed next day by a visit to Parkend private estate to see biomass production, Kielder Forest and Egger panelboard mill, where we met representatives from the wood processing industry.

The Institute has submitted its views to the Panel which can be found here. More information on the Panel can be found on its website.

The panel will next be visiting various woodlands in Kent on 15 and 16 September, so look out for announcements on where we’re visiting and try to come along to a workshop. It is really important that you as professional foresters make your views heard.

Remember that ICF has set up a LinkedIn group for members only and I encourage you to join in the debate either on this blog or on LinkedIn itself.

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