The Silvicultural Prize

The Percy Stubbs, John Bolton King and Edward Garfitt Prize for Silviculture (The Silvicultural Prize) is awarded annually by the Institute to the author(s) of the paper which, in the opinion of the Editors, best meets the criteria set down by the anonymous donor of the Prize Fund.

The winning papers from the past ten years are available to view below.


A. K. Bose, B. D. Harvey, S. Brais, M. Beaudet and A. Leduc

Constraints to partial cutting in the boreal forest of Canada in the context of natural disturbance-based management: a review, Forestry (2014) 87 (1): 11-28


S. Mitchell

Wind as a natural disturbance agent in forests: a synthesis, Forestry (2013) 86 (2): 147-157


W. L. Mason, H. M. McKay, A. Weatherall, T. Connolly, and A. J. Harrison

The effects of whole-tree harvesting on three sites in upland Britain on the growth of Sitka spruce over ten years, Forestry (2012) 85(1): 111-123


B. Gardiner

Models for predicting wood density of British-grown Sitka spruce, Forestry 2011 84 (2): 119-132


J Walmsley and D Godbold

Stump Harvesting for Bioenergy – A Review of the Environmental Impacts, Forestry 2010 83 (1): 17-38


A. Achim and B. C. Nicoll

Modelling the anchorage of shallow-rooted trees, Forestry 2009 82 (3): 273-284


J. P. Skovsgaard and J. K. Vanclay

Forest site productivity: a review of the evolution of dendrometric concepts for even-aged stands, Forestry 2008 81 (1): 13-31


R. M. Pittman

Wood ash use in forestry – a review of the environmental impacts, Forestry 2006 79 (5): 563-588


P. Balandier, C. Collet, J. H. Miller, P. E. Reynolds, and S. M. Zedaker

Designing forest vegetation management strategies based on the mechanisms and dynamics of crop tree competition by neighbouring vegetation, Forestry 2006 79(1): 3-27


M. S. J. Broadmeadow, D. Ray, and C. J. A. Samuel

Climate change and the future for broadleaved tree species in Britain, Forestry 2005 78:145-161


K.J. Hargreaves, R. Milne, and M.G.R. Cannell

Carbon balance of afforested peatland in Scotland, Forestry 2003 76: 299-317


E. Macdonald and J. Hubert

A review of the effects of silviculture on timber quality of Sitka spruce, Forestry 2002 75: 107-138


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