5 New Year’s Resolutions for Foresters and Arboriculturists
To kick off an exciting new year in UK forestry and arboricutlure, ICF Deputy Director Russell Horsey outlines his top five resolutions for improving professional standards.
1. Improve your plant health knowledge
2014 was a big year for plant health, as outlined by Shireen Chambers FICFor in her recent review of the year. This is the year we all need to make plant health our business to ensure that UK’s forests and woodlands have the best possible chance against the pests and diseases that threaten them. The 2015 ICF National Conference will focus on Tree Health, Resilience and Sustainability.
2. Get to know your regional group
ICF has nine regional groups across the UK, which form the heart and soul of the organisation’s member activities. These groups regularly organise their own events – from seminars on issues like forest resilience and woodfuel, to outdoor study tours and dinners. Our regional group events are open to non-members too, so even if you aren’t a member this is still a great way to get to engage with professional foresters and arboriculturists in you area.
3. Give back to the sector
Reaching chartered status is a huge milestone for any forester or arboriculturist, and perhaps this is your year for reaching this goal. However, what if you have been chartered for ten, twenty, even thirty years? There are still many new ways that you can benefit from ICF membership this year. It could be your year to use your experience to help those who are at the earlier stage of their career – by getting involved in your regional group, writing a blog for our website, or simply offering advice to a PME candidate. Contact ICF to find out more about putting your expertise to work for the benefit of your professional body.
4. Keep your CPD up to date
As a professional you never stop learning and updating your skillset. Whatever your CPD may be – attending an ICF conference, a regional event or even unstructured learning (reading online resources, magazines or journals). A simple resolution could be to keep a diary of your activities and upload your learning to the ICF members’ area within a few days of completion.
5. Revise your Code of Ethics
ICF membership comes with it a strict code of ethics – this is the essentially the foundation on which our professional standards are built. All professional foresters and arboriculturists should help maintain the integrity of the profession and protect the public by adhering to this ethical code. Make it your new year’s resolution to re-familiarise yourself with it