Join the Institute of Chartered Foresters and the Forestry Commission for a free webinar on forestry apprenticeships. With skills shortages across the sector, now is the time for businesses of all sizes to find out more about these amazing opportunities created by the sector, for the sector.
The webinar will involve sessions led by Gareth Hopkins and Serena Clifford from the Forestry Commission, as well as representatives from colleges.
Gareth will introduce the Level 6 Professional Forester (degree) apprenticeship, which is now moving into its third year of delivery with the first cohort due to graduate in 2025. Gareth will explain how this is delivered in partnership with the University of Cumbria’s National School of Forestry, and how employers can get involved with the next generation of professional foresters.
Serena will introduce the Level 3 Forest Craftsperson apprenticeship, a new apprenticeship approved for delivery in 2022 focused on training apprentices with the skills needed to carry out the practical operations required to create, maintain and harvest forests and woodlands. Serena will explain how the Forestry Commission can help employers and apprentices and introduce four land-based colleges in England looking to deliver this apprenticeship for the sector.
Dr Rob Hawkins – Senior Education & Outreach Officer, Institute of Chartered Foresters
Gareth Hopkins – Apprenticeship Programme Manager, Forestry Commission
Serena Clifford – Apprenticeship Support and Outreach Lead, Forestry Commission
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