Chartered Foresters appointed to Natural Resources Wales Executive Team
Natural Resources Wales has now appointed its senior executive team who will work with chief executive Emyr Roberts, chairman Peter Matthews and the Board, to lead the new organisation, when it becomes operational on 1 April 2013:
Trefor Owen – Executive Director for National Services
Clive Thomas – Head of Governance and Communications
Ceri Davies – Executive Director for Knowledge, Strategy and Planning
Kevin Ingram – Executive Director Finance and Corporate Services
Tim Jones – Executive Director Operations (North)
Graham Hillier – Executive Director Operations (South)
Liz Davis – Executive Director Organisational Development and People Management
From 1 April 2013, Natural Resources Wales will take over the functions currently carried out by the Countryside Council for Wales, Environment Agency Wales and Forestry Commission Wales.
Of the seven members of the team appointed – two are members of the Institute of Chartered Foresters:
Trefor Owen FICFor is currently a Forestry Commissioner and Director of Forestry Commission Wales. He has extensive experience in forestry policy, sustainable forest management and forestry regulation. Trefor, a Bangor University graduate in Agriculture and Forestry, is an ICF Fellow.
Clive Thomas MICFor has more than 20 years’ experience with the Forestry Commission, most recently as Head of Policy and Programme Development for FC Wales. He led on Woodland Strategy development for the Welsh Government and prior to the FC worked in the private forestry sector. Clive also graduated from Bangor University, with a BSc in Forestry. Clive is a Professional Member of the ICF.
In making the appointments, NRW chief executive Dr Emyr Roberts said, “I am delighted to be able to announce my full executive team for Natural Resources Wales. I am confident what we have an experienced and knowledgeable team who can lead and transform Natural Resources Wales to meet the opportunities and challenges which face the new organisation.”
Shireen Chambers FICFor, ICF Executive Director, commented on the appointments, “Following our disappointment at the lack of forestry expertise amongst the non-executive directors on NRW it is gratifying to see that such experienced chartered foresters will be helping to shape and direct the running of this organisation.”