Forestry and timber businesses across the UK are being asked to take part in an annual survey programme to collect data about the UK timber industry.
The surveys are run by Forest Research, with the support of the Expert Group on Timber and Trade Statistics. Results from the surveys are used to understand the state of the timber industry and the balance between supply and demand. These statistics are made available each year in the following publications:
- UK Wood Production and Trade (provisional figures) – available in May 2025
- Forestry Statistics – available in September 2025
- Forestry Facts and Figures – available in September 2025
Sheila Ward, Head of Forest Information and Statistics, said, “We’d like to encourage as many forestry and timber businesses in the UK as possible to take part so that we can build up a comprehensive picture of the industry today. These surveys play a vital role in providing the latest information about the economy and inform policy and programme development, as well as contributing to international statistics on wood production and trade.”
Interested in taking part?
To complete a survey, you will need an individual reference number from Forest Research. If you have not yet been contacted by Forest Research about a survey that is relevant to your business and received a reference number, please contact and you will be issued with a number. Once you have a reference number, simply click on the relevant links below to take part:
- Private Sector Softwood Removals Survey – a survey for harvesting companies in the UK
- Sawmill Survey – a survey for sawmills in the UK that use UK-grown logs and with sawnwood production less than 25,000m3
- Large Sawmill Survey – a survey for sawmills in the UK that use UK-grown logs and with sawnwood production of 25,000m3 or more
- Round Fencing Manufacturers – a survey for round fencing manufacturers (or mills) in the UK that consume UK-grown roundwood
- Pellet and Briquette Production – a survey for pellet and briquette mills in the UK
If you are unable to complete the surveys online, please contact the Official Statistics team in Forest Research for assistance, by email at or by phone on 0300 067 5238.
All data provided is treated in the strictest confidence and will be aggregated with data from other businesses so that it will not be possible to identify an individual business in any publication or other report. The data will not be used for any purposes other than the production of statistics.
The deadline for completing the surveys is 28th February 2025.
For more information visit Surveys – Forest Research or contact