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BBC Coverage of Phytophthora Pathogen in Wales

BBC Coverage of Phytophthora Pathogen in Wales

Last night the BBC gave coverage to the phytophthora pathogen problems in Wales and tonight Forest Research will be on the news.

To watch the programme, go to the BBC i-player, BBC One – The One Show 27 March, the feature piece on FR and tree diseases is on at c.11.22-17.00 minutes. It is available for 6 days from 28 March. Footage of extensive areas of felled larch taken from a hot air balloon are very dramatic.

Forest Research is also on the BBC 1 News tonight (at 6pm) regarding forest fires and Forest Research trials into what “new” species can be planted.

Environment correspondent Jeremy Cooke is expected to present a piece on BBC1’s 6 o’clock news this evening about the “Reinforce” trials, which are a series of research tree planting trials aimed at ensuring that Britain’s and other countries’ woods and forests are resilient to expected changes in the climate over the next century. Forest Research and several Forestry Commission sites across Britain are involved.

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