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TPBEII Proceedings







The second Trees, People and the Built Environment conference took place 2-3 April 2014 at Birmingham University. Please find below links to download the event proceedings, as well as individual papers.


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Reference: Johnston, M. and Percival, G. eds. (2015) Trees, People and the Built Environment II. Institute of Chartered Foresters: Edinburgh





Paper Title

Bianca Baerlocher, Andreas
Bernasconi, Maren Kern and
Urs Mühlethaler

Sustainability and Governance in Urban Forests: The Swiss Case of Neighbourwoods – SUNWoods – and its Embedding in New Ways of Analysing Urban Woodland Management



Paul Barton and Mark Johnston

Tree Management and Social Housing in England



Timothy Beatley

Cities and Nature: The Global Shift towards Biophilic Cities



Kieron J Doick, Tony R
Hutchings and Vicki Lawrence

Keeping London a Cool Place to Be: The Role of Greenspace



Peter Duinker, James
Steenberg, Camilo Ordóñez, Stephen Cushing, Katelyn Rae Perfitt

Governance and Urban Forests in Canada: Roles of Non-Government Organisations



Roland Ennos, David Armson
and Mohammad Asrafur

How Useful are Urban Trees? The Lessons of the Manchester Research Project



Luciana Schwandner Ferreira

Vegetation Management in São Paulo, Brazil: Clearing of Urban Vegetation and Environmental Compensation



Herbert Girardet

Keynote address: Creating Regenerative Cities



Nick Grayson

Birmingham: The UK’s First Biophilic City



James D Hale, Dexter VL Hunt, Thomas AM Pugh, A Robert MacKenzie, Jon P Sadler, Christopher DF Rogers and
the Urban Futures team

Future Proofing the Benefits of Urban Tree Planting



Lyn-Kristin Hosek

Urban Forestry in Africa – Insights from a Literature Review on the Benefits and Services of Urban Trees



Anna Lawrence, Alexander
PN van der Jagt, Bianca
Ambrose-Oji and Amy Stewart

Local Authorities in Scotland: A Catalyst for Community Engagement in Urban Forests?



John Letherland

The Urban Forest: Integrating Approaches



E Greg McPherson, Alissa
Kendall and Shannon Albers

Million Trees Los Angeles: Carbon Dioxide Sink or Source?



Mathew Pryor

Extreme Arboriculture: Lessons from Moving Mature Trees



Kenton Rogers, Vicki Lawrence
and Tony R Hutchings

Determining Tree Growth in the Urban Forest



Heather Rumble, Kenton
Rogers, Kieron J Doick and
Tony R Hutchings

A Comparison of Urban Tree Populations in Four UK Towns and Cities



Lia Dong Shimada and Mark Johnston

Planting ‘Post-Conflict’ Landscapes: Urban Trees in Peacebuilding and Reconstruction



Sir Harry Studholme

Message to Conference Delegates at Trees, People and the Built Environment II



Richard Tavares, Isabelle
Calmet and Sylvain Dupont

Development of the ARPS-VUC Model – a New Urbanised Version of the ARPS Meteorological Code



Gary Watson, John Dwyer and
Veta Bonnewell

An i-Tree Eco Analysis of the Chicago Region Urban Forest: Implications for the Future



Lucy A Wilson, Rob Davidson, Hayley Coristine, Ben Hockridge and Matthew Magrath

Enhancing the Climate Change Benefits of Urban Trees in Cambridge



Kathleen Wolf

Invest From the Ground Up! The Benefits and Economics of City Trees and Greening


Further resources

Further resources from the TPBEII Conference, including speaker presentations, media coverage and video resources, can be found on our TPBEII Resources page.

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