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Ashtag App to Fight Ash Dieback

Browning of ash leaf tip caused by Chalara fraxinea fungus Credit Crown Copyright Forestry Commission forward slash J Webber

AshTag App to Fight Ash Dieback A new app known as AshTag is set to help fight Chalara ash dieback, by letting the public report on the health of ash trees, helping identify those that may be tolerant to the disease.

Walk in the Woods

Walk in the Woods To mark their 40th anniversary, the Tree Council are organising a month of celebrations known as Walk in the Woods. May is Walk in the Woods month, when community groups, environmental organisations, local authorities and volunteer Tree Wardens organise ‘walks in the woods’ – events like bluebell trails and healthy walking […]

Consultation: Abolition of Home Grown Timber Committee

Consultation: Abolition of Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee Defra is conducting a consultation on the intended abolition of the Home Grown Timber Advisory Committee. The HGTAC was the advisory panel/committee appointed by the Forestry Commissioners to advise them on the delivery of their powers and duties. The Committee ceased operations in 2005 and no longer […]